Sunday, October 25, 2009

JPHF Matrix - Paying matrix (Refback offer)


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Tired of investing in Matrix programs and then investing more and more in getting referrals to fill up your matrix? I am sure many of you who had been affiliated to matrix programs in the past would say a BIG YES to that question.
Well here is JPHF Matrix for you. An instant paying, low $1 minimum cash out matrix program. The site is new and has just over 1000 members now. So it is very easy to build your downline if you join now.
What is more? The site sets your downline level based on your membership; Starting at 6 levels for standard members to 10 levels for Golden members.
JPHF Matrix is also one of the cheapest matrix programs to join. Joining fees is just $3 for a lifetime matrix position. As a standard member you could get back that amount (actually $3.3 just by referring 6 members). Please refer to their downline commission table in their “How to Earn” page for more details.
The most important advantage in JPHF matrix is that you don’t have to spend much time with the site like you do for other PTC sites. You don’t have to keep clicking on ads to earn a cent or two. All you have to do is to concentrate and earn referrals to join under you and see the commissions flow in your account.  
Payments are instant through PayPal and AlertPay. Please check in online forums for lots of proof of payments from this site. JPHF Matrix is not a scam.

Join JPHF Matrix today.

Short-term signup bonus and refback offer (Valid till 11/30/2009 only):
If you join as my referral I will pay you a $0.3 signup bonus. I will also pay 60% of the commission I earn for the members you refer (i.e. my 2nd level) as a weekly refback payout.

Fill out the form HERE with your signup details and I will contact you back upon confirmation.

1. I'll transfer signup bonus once my account gets credited with commission for your joining.

2. Min payout for refback is $0.25. Please allow up to 48 hrs for validation and transfer.
3. Both AP and PP accepted.

4. Make sure you send me your AP/PP account e-mail id for transfer.

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LeafBux - Is a potential scam!


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LeafBux is en route to scam soon. The site had been with minor errors ever since the launch. The highlight is that ever since they announced the referral contest, referral links of many members including mine stopped working. Refer to the comments section to confirm this. I will also post some screenshots here substantiating my view about the site.

  • Error shown when a new member tried to use my referral link. This is another member apart from the person posted comment here.

  • Site crashed when tried to raise a support ticket regarding this.

  • And finally here is the coolest one! I tried to get resolution for the issue through the site's forum. Some more members posted about the same issue. After a few days the entire Member Support forum was wiped clean. How many ever times I posted my post and others' were removed swiftly the next day.

     Forum wiped clean! Check the post count in "Member Support" forum now 

         Members thinking of joining this site, better think twice.

LeafBux is a new PTC site that was launched only in Oct 2009. However the site has already paid some of its members. That is a great sign of reliability as there are not many sites that are ready to share their revenues in their first month. Thus as of now we can have this site in the legit list.

Currently the site has less than thousand members. This is very early to post a review of Leafbux, however I shall share the information that I have about the site. A detailed review of the site will be posted after sometime once the site settles down with large number of users.

As in other PTC sites
LeafBux too offers a minimum of 4 ads a day for standard users at $0.01 per self and referral click. The price per click goes up to $0.02 for both self and referral clicks based on the membership. LeafBux processes payment through both PayPal and AlertPay and it is required that you have one of these accounts to join the site. Minimum cash out is $4.

Leafbux uses its own PTC script which is another nice point to note. As of date there are over a 100 PTC sites that use copied scripts as they are cheap and go down in no time. Bux-Gr and Freebirdbux are some best examples that started to scam recently and they are hosted by (a PTC script and hosting provider). Hope this one does not turn scam in the future.

If you wish to join and try this site click LeafBux.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Get The BAR - Free toolbar that helps you earn money


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the BAR is a kind of GPT that I have been looking for in recent times. All you have to do is join the site, download the BAR (works with FireFox and IE) toolbar for your browser and use it.

Installing a safe and easy to use toolbar and also to earn money from it is great. Isn't it?

the BAR offers cash for viewing the ads through the toolbar for 10 secs, reading paid e-mails through their dedicated BMail account (no more spamming of your personal accounts to get paid mails), view their classifieds site seraching for your favorite product, search the GOOGLE through their search bar! 

Wait a minute! All these seem very similar acts. You're right! Carry out your normal internet surf activities, but through the toolbar and you would earn money for all your activities.

You may also opt to provide your mobile number to receive paid SMS ads if you are interested. 

Their referral program is 6 levels deep and you earn commissions for activities of all those members who are even 6 levels under you.

There is a good news for members from USA. Though the BAR is open for members from anywhere in the world, members from USA seem to have an edge over others as ad preference goes to USA members.

Payment processing is done through PayPal  and the site is PayPal verified.

Get the BAR here for free and see your accounts flooded with money!

Saturday, October 17, 2009



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I believe this could be the very first post in the web to introduce Ahbux (NOT RECOMMENDED) to you!
Ahbux is the latest entrant in PTC business and is in pre-launch (an infant that opened for public only a couple of days ago).
The site offers $0.01 per self click and $0.015 per referral click. What’s different about this? Ahbux offers the uniqueness in terms of the duration to which a single ad should be viewed – just 20 secs for $0.01!
Ahbux currently has less than 150 members, which makes it an incredible opportunity to get quick and large number of direct referrals. AhBux currently serves approximately 4 ads a day which might increase after official launch.
Official launch date is yet to be released. But I got a confirmation from admin through support ticket that the member balances will not be reset post official launch.
Note: As is the general rule, do not make big investments in a new PTC site. Please wait till you make your first cashout to ensure legitimacy.
Explore this new entrant by clicking Ahbux!(NOT RECOMMENDED)
Update 11/02/2009:
Reason for not being recommended:
  Site has increased cashout limit to $50 suddenly... Admin says that the limit was raised after seeing traffic to the site and click patterns! This site is still in pre-launch and they say that the limit should be raised to $50 for standard members with no substantial reason?? I would not continue clicking on such a site and I would not recommend it for my readers too.

HyBux - Legit PTC - Instant Payout


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HyBux is a relatively new site which got an overwhelming response right from the pre-launch stage. Officially launched only Sept 2009, HyBux’s current member count is stated as over 41500 and the site has already paid about $7100.
This site, like most other PTC, offers $0.01 per ad click and the same for each referral click. HyBux presents at least 5 ads daily for its standard users. Minimum payout is $5 for standard members and $2 for premium members. Payout is instant through AlertPay and PayPal for premium members. It just takes about 24 hours for standard members.
HyBux admin is in PTC for serious business. This can be seen by the fact that the site is protected by BlockDOS.Net which averts any DDoS attack on a PTC site. To get this protection it costs approximately $200 a month. An admin whose clear intention is to scam would not want to invest so much money on protection.
All said, you should also note that the site is a new one in the business. It is a general rule that you refrain from making big investment in any new PTC site. Keep simply clicking the ads on the site for sometime till you get your first payout and then try with investments.
Click HyBux to join the PTC for free and make an earning! - Join and get free sign-up bonus


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It has been around 2 years since was launched. is a PTC site that offers $0.01 per ad click and $0.01 for referral ad click. has lots of registered users and is heaven for clickers with at least 15 ads daily for standard users. That means with the help of 10 referrals you could reach the minimum cashout limit of $5 within a week’s time (assuming 10 ad clicks daily for each member). This gives one more good reason to join and try this site. With minimum cashouts attained within a week, members can easily wait till they get their first payment before investing on the site. This is not possible in other PTC as the time taken to attain to minimum cashout would be in months. So everyone must at least invest in renting referrals in order to even reach cashout limit.
There is no limit on number of direct referrals one may have. pays users through both AlertPay and PayPal which gives us more options.
Unlike most of the recently launched PTC, this one offers quality PTSU (Paid to Sign-up) offers too.
Also offers a $0.05 sign-up bonus for all those who join this site.
Join now for free and get $0.05 sign-up bonus.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heaven2Share - Scam - Not Recommended


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Heaven2Share doesn't seem to be interested in sharing its profits with its members. The site's admin is gone for over 4 weeks now and the domain is suspended. Heaven2Share have joined the long list of scammers within a month of its official launch.Wow! So SWIFT in cheating people!

Heaven2Share is yet another PTC site that is in pre-launch stage. That means nothing but more offers to the members who join now! What are they?

We will come to that soon! But first as a potential member of this site you must know whether this site is worth it to spend your time. So we will look at the regular benefits that this site offers to its members:

      1.    A minimum of 5 ads daily for standard members (usually 6 or 7 per day)
      2.    A minimum of 15 ads daily for upgraded members. But the fact is that the site serves a minimum of 20 ads daily for upgraded members as of now. 20 ads for a new site is a very big number. So we can expect more to come in the future.
      3.    Ad visits are reset daily and so members are guaranteed of more ads to click daily.
      4.    $0.01 per ad click for standard members, $0.0155 per ad click for premium members and it grows up to $0.3 per click for higher upgrades.
     5.    Referral clicks are also paid to the referrers. It is $0.005 for standard, $0.01 for premium and $0.1 for further upgrades.
      6.    Minimum payout is set at $3, $2, $1 for Standard, Premium and Gold members respectively.

Now we shall move on to the extra offers that this site has for early-birds.

       ·         Price for upgrade to Premium is $7 a year and $4 for 6 months. It is just $13 to upgrade to GOLD membership for a year. One should note that the price for upgrade to Premium and Gold memberships are really low as the site is in early stages. These prices are set to increase in the coming months. Hence the sooner you upgrade is the better.
       ·         The admin announces contests from time to time to keep the members active and involved. Current contest is this - The member who gets maximum number of referrals within Oct 31, 2009 will get a $50 cash prize (YES! $50)
    The site currently has over 2700 members. Join now, make lots of referrals and win the cash prize. Instant payout and no scams make this site even more attractive.

Click Heaven2Share to join the site for free.

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CrazyCycler - Earn double your investments in no time


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Welcome to the latest entrant into money cycler category – CrazyCycler.

Crazy Cycler is a money cycler program. This program uses the proven and reliable X-Pay cycler script to cycler our money.

Money cyclers open up new lines with fixed or varying prizes allowing members to buy limited number of positions among each line available. Then they cycle the money and positions at preset time or when a certain target is achieved (say 100 members in the line).

People who manage to buy early positions in the line have better probabilities of making high returns. Generally the minimum ROI (Return of Investment) for a line is set before it is launched. Once cycled, members are disbursed with their obtained profits. Some cyclers force to re-invest some part of your money again in order to sustain for a long time. The percentage of re-investment depends on the admin.

Crazy Cycler is a new entrant and hence chances of making great ROI are high in this program. The first line of $3 is currently active.

Lots of people who have invested in the first line have made up to 250% ROI. Refer to the testimonials of people on the CrazyCycler website and in forums.

Don’t delay! Join the site by clicking on CrazyCycler.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

ClixSense - Oldest paying site with high referral earnings


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ClixSense is a Paid To Click site that has two different memberships: free and upgraded. As a free member you will typically earn $0.01 for every ad that you click, and if you upgrade you will earn between $0.01 and $0.05 per click (and in some rare cases up to $5.00 per click!). Free members typically see 10-20 ads per day (depends on how often you log onto the site), and upgraded members can see upwards of 100 ads per day.

ClixSense has been around for several years now, and has a very large advertisement base. This is good news for you, because that's where the money comes from to pay you. This base is very stable, so you can also count on ClixSense paying you well into the future. As soon as you earn $10 on ClixSense you will have a check mailed to you, so it's really easy to earn quickly with this site.

Having an upgrade option makes this site seem less legitimate, but you can pay with your click earnings if you don't want to pay out of pocket. The upgrade cost is $10 if you want to pay it up front though, and I suggest you do. Let me show you a few reasons why.

The main reason to upgrade on ClixSense (other than the fact that you can click more ads per day) is the referral program. As an upgraded member, you earn on referrals 5 levels deep! This site gives you an amazing potential to earn a lot of money with little to no work on your part.

You are paid on referrals for two reasons: the first is for referring them in the first place, the second is when they upgrade. When you refer a new member you earn $0.10, and when they upgrade you earn $2.00. If those referrals add any new members you are paid$1.00 for each as an override commission. On your 5th level though, you are paid a $2.00 override commission on each new upgraded member.

It sounds complicated, but if you do the math, it can make you a lot of money in a very short amount of time. Let's go through a scenario really quick: If you referred only 5 members to ClixSense and only 3 upgraded, and if this same scenario played out for every referral on all 5 levels you would earn $4,221.00.

Now that's with a very simple scenario, and all the work you did was to add only 5 new members. That's half a day’s work for me; just imagine how much you can earn!

Get started right away by clicking ClixSense

Short-term signup bonus and upgrade bonus offer (Valid till 11/30/2009 only):
If you join as my referral I will pay you a $0.05 signup bonus. I will also pay you 50% of commissions I get if you upgrade as my referral.

Fill out the form HERE with your signup details and I will contact you back upon confirmation.

1. I'll transfer the bonus amounts once my account gets credited with commission for your joining.

2. Both AP and PP accepted.
3. Make sure you send me your AP/PP account e-mail id through the above form for transfer of funds.

4. Please allow up to 48 hours for validation and transfer.

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JillsClickCorner - A trustworthy paid to click site


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JillsClickCorner  is a pay per click advertising membership program run by a couple from the Netherlands named Sebas and Jill. This program pays members to click on advertiser links and banners and visit to their websites. Members can also earn by signing up for advertiser offers and by recruiting other active members to the program.

JillsClickCorner is pretty basic as far as pay per click sites go, though it does add a couple features to make it interesting for members. As a member of this program you get paid for clicking on advertiser links and banners and visiting their websites. Payment to visit one website is $.0025; a small amount but within the normal range of what this type of program pays.

You can also earn money signing up for advertiser offers, though they don’t make it immediately clear what you can earn. With a lot of these programs, you’ll be informed of how much you’ll earn from an offer before you sign up, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with JillsClickCorner. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are trying to hide something, only that they should be a bit more informative.

You can refer people to the JillsClickCorner program and earn a percentage of what they make when they participate in the different site activities. You can recruit referrals yourself, or you can actually be given referrals if you upgrade to one of the 6 paid membership levels, which range from $9.95 to $74.95 per year.

Advertisers can pay JillsClickCorner for hits to their websites or for offer sign-ups by members. Pay-per-click packages start at $2 for 100 website visits and up, and offer packages start at $5 for 10 sign-ups.

Currently there is a great campaign called “July Dollar Value”, where members are offered 150 referrals, 5000 Link ad credits and more for just $7.

Domain "Whois"
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "JillsClickCorner" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.

Join this long sustained site for free by clicking here - JillsClickCorner

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NeoBux - Scamming with bots?


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NeoBux is World's No.1 PTC Site. This site has unanimously been agreed as a no scam site by millions of PTC users. NeoBux is one of the longest surviving sites in the industry.

PPC here is $0.01 for self click and $0.005 for a referral click. There are no limits to the number of referrals you make but you must stay active in order to earn from your referrals’ clicks.

When your account balance reaches $2.00, you can make your first cashout request. Most times the minimum payout limit on PTC sites is set to $10.00, a lot of clicks to reach that limit...

So, with NeoBux, you'll get the first bucks way faster than on other sites. But notice that the following cash requests are set at a higher limit. The second one is set to $3.00, the next one at $4.00...until you reach $10.00, where this level isn't changed anymore.

NeoBux pays its members via both AlertPay and PayPal. Although the ToS of NeoBux states a 48 hour maximum time frame for completing payouts, the site usually credits your payments instantly.

Is NeoBux a scam?
My answer is NO. Though the site is always part of hot debates which discuss about PTC sites using bots (A bot is an automated clicking robots acting as real members), the site had never scammed anyone without non-payouts or illegal means of terminations.

My personal advice would be to start slowly as a standard member and invest very minimum money in renting referrals to reach the cash out limits. Then start investing in membership upgrades and advertisements which would give you a very high turnout. It is always better to invest minimum in renting referrals in any PTC site. Instead try to increase your referral base by promoting the site and gaining Direct Referrals.

All you need to gain from NeoBux is lots of patience (only a maximum of 4 ads a day is available for standard users) and some investment tactics. Yes! The site is designed to make you invest in it in order to gain more and more profit. Don’t worry! You can still make out some bucks from the site even without investing anything. But you got to wait for relatively long time.

Click on NeoBux to join the site for free.

Short-term signup bonus and refback offer (Valid till 11/30/2009 only):

Join as my referral in NeoBux. I will pay you $0.1 for every 120 clicks you make in the site as my referral.

Fill out the form HERE with your signup details and I will contact you back upon confirmation.

1. Both AlertPay and PayPal accepted.
2. Make sure you send me your AP/PP account e-mail id for transfer of funds.

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Bux-Matrix - Multiple ways to earn from the site - No scam


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This post is about Bux-Matrix.  A site that has been paying its visitors on time and offers a lot for newly joined members.

Bux-Matrix pays up to $0.01 per click made by you and $0.005 for every click made by the referrals. Standard ad view is 20 seconds unlike other PTC sites which have 30 seconds stipulation.
Bux-Matrix lets its members earn through two ways.

     1.       A regular PTC formula where you click and ad and view for certain amount of time to get paid. Direct referral clicks are also paid.

     2.       The second one is more interesting. Through a Matrix system in which members earn commission for referring new members and also for their referrals activities.

Members can upgrade to a premium category for just $12 a year. Now what does this premium membership have to offer for a member?

  ü  2 Months Full Gold Membership, which in itself worth $8.
  ü  An upgrade in membership means an automatic change in payment system. Price Per Click goes high  for self and referral clicks.
  ü  Number of minimum ads available for a member increases to 9 against 5 for standard members. One good thing to notice is that both for Standard and Upgraded members, there is always more number of ads to click than the said minimum. New ads also get added during middle of a day too.
  ü  400 Ad click credits which the member can use to purchase ads on the site.
  ü  A one-time referral commission of $0.05 for each referral added by the member.
  ü  $2 whenever a referred member in the Matrix upgrades to premium.
  ü  A life time position in the 3 X 12 Forced Matrix system.

The 3 X 12 Forced Matrix:

What is this Matrix?

Whenever an upgraded member refers new people to the site, they are added as their referral in 3 X 12 matrix. This matrix can grow up to 12 levels deep where each member in a level can have 3 members as their referrals. Now calculate this to get the resultant amount of money that can be earned.

Members can also buy up to 12 positions in the Matrix thus increasing their income chances by many folds. Each position costs only $12 and comes with all the goodness of the upgrade detailed above. While most sites charge you  nearly $100 for a full upgrade for a year, even buying all the 12 positions available which gives you 24 months full upgrade  costs you only $144 here. 

You can join this wonderful site here for free: Bux-Matrix

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1. My first BM Payment - 11/01/2009

Inovabux - Get Free Golden Membership + Rent Referrals today


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Update 11/14/2009Inovabux is currently down. The site is under DDoS attack initiated by someone claiming that InovaBux uses his script. Hope the site recovers from the attack quickly and also wins the lawsuit.

Update 10/25/2009Inovabux is officially launched now and ads are available for click. I must mention that the speed of the site has increased to a good level too. 

Inovabux is a new Paid To Click site in pre launch. Official launch date is set as 10/25/2009. 
  • Site offers $0.01/$0.02 (standard/premium) per ad click and up to $0.015 for each referral click. User must click on the ad and view the ad for 30 seconds to get credited.
  • $2 minimum cashout
  • Instant/24 payment through AlertPay and PayPal.
Pre Launch offers:
The site is in pre launch stage. It offers various benefits for users who joins during pre launch stage.
  1. Free $1 in users' referral balance. This amount can be used to rent up to 3 referrals ($0.30 per referral)
  2. Free GOLDEN membership for users who can make 60 advertisement clicks before the official launch date. Doubt it is achievable? Never worry! InovaBux offers at least 6 ads daily for its standard members and we have more than 10 days for pre launch to close. Further it has 4 self-sponsored ads which are there to keep the members active. 
Worried on hearing the words self-sponsored ads? Be cool... InovaBux does not have even a single ad which            advertises itself. When I said self-sponsored ads, I was right. Those ads are sponsored by InovaBux itself, though they are different.

In order to ensure that the members are active viewers of their ads (not just click and jump to another PTC site for next ad), they have 4 ads in which the user is required to identify a random picture in the ad. The random picture would be available in a link on the ad page.

They have a very good forum with lots of active members. Not to mention that the site's script is self written and new. It is rare to see PTC sites with good self written scripts.

With a minimum of 10 ads (including self-sponsored ads) for standard members, $2 payout and a Free Golden Membership, what should cause you to wait? 

Join Inovabux right now.

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